Saturday, July 23, 2011

Why is the speed of my internet connection suddenly so slow?

Our family pays a lot each month to have a decent internet connection speed, which I believe is 15 Mbps download and 2 Mbps upload. However, the download and upload speeds have abruptly lowered to beyond acceptable levels without any apparent reason. We do use a wireless router and have had no issues up until this morning. It is now taking more than a minute for a 6 MB file to download. What is the cause of this issue and how can it be fixed?

Meh. I may as well ask for your relationship advice. You know better than I do.?

You should ask him, if he still loves you. If he does, then you should consider getting back together, but really. Distance is a big issue in a relationship, and if it doesn't work out, then it's not meant to be. Puppy love? I'm not trying to be offensive, but my true advice to you is to ask him if he still loves you, confront him of your worries, and if it doesn't work out, then it's not meant to be. You shouldn't give yourself to a person who doesn't want to spend the time to respect you and make this relationship work. It looks like you're the only one who cares about this relationship, and making it work out, and you don't deserve a guy that's going to tug on your heart strings, but never plays the melody. Good luck, and if it doesn't work out, maybe it was for the best, because you don't deserve to be fooled around with. :)

Why do I have to choose between my macbook pro and my wife?

So my parents decided to screw up my life by telling me I cannot go to college anymore. They said they had enough of helping me pay for college and now they want me to quit going to college. I signed up for a summer semester course and it requires a MacBook Pro but my parents want me to drop out of college because they say I won't pass it. They said you always fail every semester, why try and waste your time while you can get a job and get married. Everyone always told me to never give up even my parents, and now they are telling me to give up. I don't want to give up on college as it is making me feel like a failure. They threatened me to give up on college and return the macbook pro back to best buy or else they're going to go down to the magistrate and file a paper to remove me from their house. I'm 20 years old. They're making me choose between keeping my macbook pro and continue to go to college failing every semester and not be able to get married soon. They said your going to get married really late if you continue to go to college. They're making me choose between my macbook pro and college and my fiancee. Why are they doing this to me ?? Why are they stressing me out ?? I love my macbook pro and it is the best computer I have ever had so far, I don't have to worry about viruses on my macbook pro.

Dragon Age 2 - Magistrate Vanard?

For Magistrate's Orders I accidentally rejected the quest. Is there a way to get it back again so I can do it for the herbalist's quest? I can't seem to find him and it's the only quest left before I go to Act 2

DMV employee arrested for providing driver's licenses to illegal how do they have extra $1,700 and $3,000?

How do they save thousands here and still be able to send 50% of their check back to family in Mexico and be able to afford living with haft a paycheck a week and still can save thousands. Illegals are not make pennies a day. They are working tax free, collecting welfare, food stamps, SS checks, they get a lot of free money is how they do it. Illegals work no harder than anybody else. The Mexican next door to me, all day he sits around drinking beer and playing music. Does not work, has not worked, yet has a brand new ford truck in the drive way. Always has money for beer everyday.

Based on these events is the border safer than it ever has been in the history of America ?

It's horrendous. If something is not done to protect our borders, this country will be packed with undesirables. Remember, it's also the Canadian border. People come here illegally like salmon spawning.

GAYS, You don't need a church-minister to marry you right?

If you seek a church-minister to marry you, it means you want your marriage to acceptable in the sight of GOD. But since you want GOD out of the equation, then You don't need to get married in a church right? Just sign papers and woohoo...

*****OPINION POLL***** - YES or NO (please explain if you desire) - Did God forget to consider this?

Different societies have different views on what is right and wrong. What is acceptable in America may not be acceptable in Germany etc....our views of what is moral or ethical are different today as well as times past. Assuming God is real and he knew these changes would exist, did he leave room for adjustment to his laws for man? Does he hold everybody accountable to the same standard?

Good darkening shampoos for black horses? + show prep tips?

You need the mane to be banded in halter and showmanship. They are western events and you band for western. Braid for English.

How do i pervert course of justice???? - get this thrown out of court?

ok, please dont bother answering if you wanna give me a lecture. i just want an answer. i feel really guilty for having my bf arrested for domestic violence...i know it's wrong and all but it doesnt stop the guilt. and it's actually made me very unwell, like my life revolves round this horrible horrible phone call i made 2 months ago. anyway he goes to magistrates court tomorrow, but thing is it's quite serious so it will go to long is this gonnna takeeeeeeeee?????? i want my life back again. i am desperately hoping he will plead guilty ASAP because there's so much evidence against him he will be found guilty and if he puts in an early plea his sentence will be much nicer, i know. Anway, what i was thinking wassss is there anything i can do which would make them have to drop the case completely?? like what if i sent him a message detailing alllll the evidence against him and tried to persuade him to plea guilty??...i know that me trying to get this dropped will get me in trouble but i really dont care anymore. i really just wish i had never done this...well i wish he had never done this but yeah...i get theres a law and it has to be followed etc. etc. buttttt there must be some way i can get this thrown out of court..because it happens. and i cant say i lied in my statement because there's witnesses and evidence. but actually could i say i lied anyway? i mean i could just make up ridiculous excuses for bruises and stuff and what would they be able to do? if this goes to much longer is it gonna take? :( i really want to feel normal again...

Will the University of Toronto St.George rescind my offer?

It is possible but I think that the odds are against it especially if you can come up a reasonable explanation of why your average went down./

What are the general grounds which one can dispute or appeal a magistrate's decision?

I am looking at a magistrate's decision and will discuss this with my attorney. There are some findings of facts that were not supported at trial. For back ground purposes, I lost on a promissory estoppel, even tho I testified that I never promised anything. I think that some of my written records were taken out of context.

Why are my parents making me choose between my macbook pro and my fiancee?

So my parents decided to screw up my life by telling me I cannot go to college anymore. They said they had enough of helping me pay for college and now they want me to quit going to college. I signed up for a summer semester course and it requires a MacBook Pro but my parents want me to drop out of college because they say I won't pass it. They said you always fail every semester, why try and waste your time while you can get a job and get married. Everyone always told me to never give up even my parents, and now they are telling me to give up. I don't want to give up on college as it is making me feel like a failure. They threatened me to give up on college and return the macbook pro back to best buy or else they're going to go down to the magistrate and file a paper to remove me from their house. I'm 20 years old. They're making me choose between keeping my macbook pro and continue to go to college failing every semester and not be able to get married soon. They said your going to get married really late if you continue to go to college. They're making me choose between my macbook pro and college and my fiancee. Why are they doing this to me ?? Why are they stressing me out ?? I love my macbook pro and it is the best computer I have ever had so far, I don't have to worry about viruses on my macbook pro.

How do I drop charges without being picked up by Commonwealth?

My boyfriend and I had an altercation the other night. He called cops to have me "escourted" out... and they figured out it was a domestic dispute... they said one of us had to be arrested... and it ended up being him and he was the one charged. I gave a written statement. How do I have the charges dropped without commonwealth picking them up?? I do not want him to sit in jail over this. He did get No bond by magistrate and has video arraignment tomorrow. More than likely will be no bond again he is a flight risk.. by the time we go to court he will probably get time served... This happened in state of virginia. thanks for any input

Verizon MiFi with Xbox?

Where I live, we have no phone line or cable. I have been looking for a new connection, as I play Xbox Live a lot and my current connection causes it to lag severely. I found this Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Mobile Hotspot MiFi ( and I was wondering if this could be an acceptable connection for Xbox Live, YouTube videos, and being able to explore the Internet with ease.

Someone please tell me what to do! i had firefox exactly how i wanted it?

and then found that there was newer versions...i THINK i had 3.5 or 3.6 i dont know, anyhow, i have uninstalled and installed and all sorts of crap trying to get it back cuz i dont like any others and i can't find what i had or make the others work like the one i me! someone with great computer and browser knowledge will know this so guys please tell me what you think! i had the menu you could rearrange and speed dials, etc. and i have windows 7 and my explorer said i have a 64 bit system whatever that means... i appreciate it SO much for any good answers!! jen

Why are beliefs so important and defended?

The question of believing in something that have not been proven to exist can be answered by looking at the other perspective of the question, have it been disproved? God has not been scientifically proven nor has god been scientifically dis proven.

What is the British crown court used for?

I got an email about a week and a half ago on face book this lady wanted to give me a sum of money to donate part to charity and the rest to keep for myself for school and so we started talking and then she had her privite banker email me a few thing to get the bank tracer started and just today I receive a peace of paper that stated I was able to receive the money it was called an affidavit and at the top it had British crown court then under that it said in the chief magistrates court of great britain is what do u think scam or not like I said though I have talked to this lady for several days now and her banker a few time also please help Also I noticed that it said in the on that affidavit by the order of her majestyQueen Elizabith help cause IDK!!!

Evaluate the limit. limit x-->0+ (tan(6x))^x?

You are completely right--the limit is 1 because the limit of the ln is 0. I get a little lost trying to work it out, but that's right. If you choose a very small number (say .001) and put it into the original problem, you get an answer close to 1.

Winter fashion question?

This question has been on my mind and as I sit here and watch the tv it came back to me. When I was younger everyone wore earmuffs, I was a cheerleader all through high school and earmuffs were always part of our uniform. I still wear earmuffs when it gets cold but I am starting to see less and less people wearing earmuffs. Are earmuffs still fashionally acceptable and/or does anyone still wear earmuffs (other than me?). I hate those goofy headband things but they look like the wave of the future.

Friday, July 22, 2011

What do you think of stay-at-home dads?

The same as I think about stay at home mothers. I am a stay at home daughter lol I work mostly at night. In the day time I look after my grandmother who is 92 and lives with me. She can do everything herself though.

How do I convince my younger sister to trade me rooms?

You can't really blame her for not wanting to switch now when you didn't want to before. She's probably just decided to make the most of her small room. I understand that it makes sense to swap now though. Why not let her see how big it looks and talk about all the great sleepovers she could have and how much more entertaining she could do. Make sure it looks cosy still as she might not like the idea of an unwelcoming room. If you tell her that you want to change because it makes no sense for you to have the "better" room if you are never there, then she might believe that you are doing it for her too and won't be suspicious. After all, if the room is so great, why are you so keen to leave it! Explain that you have less stuff at home now so it would be better for her. Good luck!

Can you help us solve our DroidX problem?

best thing to do would be to FACTORY RESET the Droid X. If that does not work then i would suggest calling customer service and they will send you a new droid x.

What type of legal action can I take against my 5 yr olds summer program after they left her at the pool?

i'm sorry,but when you gave them permission to allow your daughter to go on the trip,that was like a can take no legal action im afraid. :(

Which is more difficult to raise during the teenage years -- girls or boys?

It depends is not an acceptable answer. You have to take a stance and back it up with anecdotal or objective evidence.

After being arrested how long can it take for the magistrate to contact me?

I'm 14, and was arrested for being in a store while my friend was shop lifting. the magistrate is supposed to contact me but how long can it take for them to contact me.

Is this basically what Atheists believe?

No. Atheist =/= scientists. There are isolated tribes in the Amazon and Australia that don't believe in god and they've never heard of the big bang or evolution.

Trying to find a good music editing program?

All I need to be able to do on it is to rearrange music files, split them out and cut parts I don't need, and be able to save the ending result as a music file. If anyone knows what program I should look into downloading please let me know!

Probability Question?

Count the Number of ways the letters in the name "MISSISSIPPI" can be rearranged without repeats.

My son won't see me, i am getting custody , will it traumatize him?

My son is 12. I have been fighting to regain a relationship for the last year and a half. He refuses to talk with me and is encouraged by his mother to tell me to stay out of his life. The magistrate said that if she does not follow through this time I would be awarded custody. Will this traumatize him or would it be better for me to try to regain a relationship without the negative influence.

I need advise from a lawyer?

I was cited for a speeding ticket 76 in 55, which I was only going about 62 and he paced me from from 1/2 behind me. Anyways I spoke to a lawyer going into the magistrate and he said at my hearing to say to the jusge I request this case be dropped to a statute 31-11 and it works all the time and no points only small fine. Is this correct?

One side of my living room hotter than the other.?

Ugh. My room is EXACTLY the same way and it is AWFUL. Do you have any windows on one side of the room? Because that was the problem with mine. There was a hot draft coming in under the seal of the window. I rolled up a towel and stuck it under there and viola! problem solved. hope this helps! :)

Do I have a civil suit?

The state of NY family court lied to me regarding my child support payments, ways to contact state agencies and told me one thing would happen, but did another. The helpline they use was not helpful at all, and very contradictory. The family court support magistrate actually told me she didn't have time to explain things to me because there was a waiting room full of people. My meeting was set for 9 am, it didn't start til 917am. All total there was about 12-13 Min's worth of meeting with no answers, just a big payment. She told me to send my payments to an address, putting my name and ssn on the check to help direct it to where it needed to go. I didn't have an acct number for 3.5 weeks. They lost my first two payments, but they actually posted them back to my bank, they just had no record of me paying. The S.M. gave me the choice to make paper payments, nothing was ever said regarding wage garnishment, the state is now garnishing my wages for no other reason other than its the preferred method. Can I sue NYS Family Court, and the support collection unit? Thank You very much.

Where can i look online to read the details entered in a felony case for my husband who is currently jailed?

i need to view the magistrates opinions on the felony case my husband is awaiting trial for. its a motion to revoke probation. i just want to see what the judge had to say.

Can a promissory estoppel claim be established on the Plaintiff's testimony alone?

I just received a magistrate's decision findin in favor of the Plaintiff in a promissory estoppel case. After reading the decision, I note that the magistrate cites the Plaintiff's testimony that a promise was made. He does cite a letter from me (defendant) that clearly states that we did not have an agreement and I testified to this as well. I am working with an attorney, but looking for the input of others. I thought that the statute of frauds would preclude this. It looks like the magistrate just decided to believe the Plaintiff

Could a carbocation rearrange twice to become more stable?

For example, if I had 2,2-dimethylpentane with a carbocation on carbon 4, would it first rearrange with a hydride shift to carbon 3, and then a methyl shift to carbon 2 to create a tertiary carbocation?

My employer didn't except my 2 weeks notice. Can I still collect unemployment?

I was on second shift for 8 months. I was a lead of 2 production assembly lines, with 30 people under my supervision. I am a single mother of a 15 year old son. So with that being said, I needed to get back on first shift to get a handle on the "situation" in my home. I had asked both of my superintendents (1st and 2nd shift) about getting back on 1st and they blew me off for 3 months. The problems were getting worse at home so I went to my H.R. and put in a request on paper to come to first. That day my 1st shift superintendent got fired. I also had been hearing rumors that a employee I had trained was going to be a supervisor. I asked H.R. about the rumor and was assured it wasn't true. I explained to H.R. the problems that I would have if it were true. #1 that I trained him. #2 that I had more seniority than him. #3 that no one on the assembly lines would respect me or my decisions when someone with so little time and experience would be my superior. Again I was assured that it was clearly a rumor. Being very nervous about the switch and the rumor, the next day I approached my other 1st shift superintendent and explained word for word what I had said to H.R. He told me that the gentlemen in question would be a lead for another area in factory. I said OK and made the switch the following Monday. That Monday I asked the gentlemen about the rumors that were being said and ask him if they were true. He said yes that he is supervisor. The next day I approached my Plant Manager about the situation and repeated my problems to him and his response was that I asked the wrong people. I replied with "my superintendent and H.R. are the wrong people?" he had no response. I in turn asked him if he could take away my lead pay and put me somewhere else in factory or on a machine? He told me that he couldn't rearrange people on the account of me. He told me to go to H.R. and give her my 2 weeks notice. I walked in and told her the issue and she told me that she wouldn't except my 2 weeks and she will "end it now" she walked me to my locker and then out the door.

What forms do I need to bring with me to the Case Management hearing?

My spouse is not going to show to any court dates (he has said so). We have kids but he is not going to ask for custody. What forms do I need to bring besides what has already been filed in the original filing? I know I have to fill out the financial statement, but is there anything else? Can I hope that the magistrate will recommend my divorce be granted if he doesn't show up?

If you are in magistrates court in WV on a charge & you admit to other crimes can you be arrested there?

I am taking my former neighbor to court for money she owed me. While I was working for her she stole my ID and opened accounts in my name and forged my signature on legal documents. She needed a proof of residency in one case, so she forged a rent receipt with my name as well as our landlord. I have copies of the contracts. She says she doesn't owe me the money because she put the money toward the accounts she opened without my knowledge or consent. . I am filing charges against her to collect the money I am owed for working . She fired me when I told Identity theft was illegal and I was not going to put up with it. Iwant paid so I am taking her to small claims, When she admits to the ID theft, fraud and forgery, I am hoping they will arrest her then

What can I do about a judgment made in Credit Card Company's favor while I was not living in the country?

GE Financial filed 3 times with the Clark County Court, twice on the same debt but in two different months, in 2009 and were awarded the full amount plus court costs even though I wasn't living in the country at the time. I was supposedly served by the attorney's office but all they did was go to my old address and leave paperwork with personal information in it with the residents who were at that time living at that address which I obviously never received since I wasn't even in the country. I'm now back in Indiana and trying to clean up my credit and just found out that there are all these negative marks due to these cases and I can't get them removed. I have never received anything from ANYONE concerning a decision made by the court or asking for payment even though I have updated my address on my credit report and am trying to figure out how to get this taken care of. I called the magistrates office but was told they can't give me legal advice and that all they could tell me is that I would have to file a pleading with the court but they can't tell me how to do that either. Does anyone know what I can do short of getting a lawyer to submit a pleading and see about settling the debt?

Is it ok for my brother to change his tampon in class?

My 9 year old brother just got his period, but he'd rather pay attention in class than go to the bathroom to change his tampon. Is it acceptable to just get up and change it in class?

Does magistrate court show up on criminal background checks ?

I applied for a job and they told me as long as I pass the drug test and background check I'll be fine. I have magistrate court on Monday because of late rent and I may be evicted..could this ruin my chances at for the's an orderfilling position at the walmart distribution center.

Plantiff lied underoath, and magistrate caught her, but did nothing, why?

I was the defendant in a tennant case, my roommates sued me for unpaid rent..when they had bullied me out of the apartment and attempted to change the locks, my lawyer told me to stop paying rent, because he didnt believe they would do anything about it. Turns out one of their cousins is a lawyer and they are very competative girls. Well one of them was asked a question one way by the magistrate, then later that same question in a different form, and the plaintiff clearly lied to get her way and make her case look better. Why didnt the magistrate do anything about it?

Will wireless N router allow me to play xbox & use laptop at same time?

yes, however make sure it is truly a wireless N and not a wireless 150. a wireless 150 is between g and n. anything N should be powerful enough period.

Juvenile Magistrate...what should happen?

I am wondering what should happen to a parent that doesnt do what a court orders in a Juvenile court? I am going through a custody case in Memphis Tennesse in Shelby County and the mother has NOT done what the court ordered but seems like they are letting her get away with it! Isnt there some laws that state that she should get contempt or something? Where could I find this information that is procedure?

Can u answer ? magistrates court/tv license?

Just look neat and well scrubbed, with as little bare skin on display as possible. Don't wear your best clothes, as you want to present a picture of genteel poverty. It is certainly acceptable to write a little note for the clerk to read, after which you will probably be asked a few questions. There will be a non-threatening atmosphere, especially as the prosecutor will be a TV licence inspector -- perhaps even the same person who came to your house. The normal fine is twice the fee avoided plus costs, but there is no hard and fast rule. Ask for time to pay.

Can I wear this shirt to work at Hollister?

I have a hollister shirt that is white with some blue waves on it. Can I wear it to work tomorrow? Is it acceptable?

Can my cousin pay for my parents hajj?

my parents have the means to perform hajj...however, my mom's niece is super rich and every year she pays for other people's hajj...she offered my mom to pay for her hajj as it acceptable in Islam? will that have any adverse effect on the sawab of performing hajj? please help with guidance...ameen..

How do I recall a warrant I issued at the magistrates office?

dont listen to her keep it because he's not going to stop harassing you every little chance he gets he is going to F**k with you

What is better being a magistrate or being a sub-lieutenet in Indian navy through NDA or CDS?

I was going to have my B. Sci degree from this year and give NDA paper side-wise but my uncle said that by pursuing B. A. LL.B. apply for judiciary paper after it I can be magistrate(judge). So i am left confused with what to do? Which one is better? And which job has more salary, respect and dignity?

How to control my over aggressive cichlid?

auratus and red zebras are aggressive by nature take them out of the tank for about an hour or get a bigger tank, orrrr you could also take them back and trade them for something else cause its only gonna get worse. actually the one thing that worked for me was getting more plants (taller plants) so that the fish will get distracted and forget about chasing the other fish or lose it

Chances of optometry school admission.?

I am hoping to apply for optometry this upcoming Fall semester, and thus, had some questions regarding this. I realize my g.p.a is on the lower end of the spectrum (3.07 cumulative, thus far, however, I have one more semester to increase it). Also, my freshman year I was going through a difficult time and thus my gpa suffered greatly, however, I have tried really hard to raise it above a 3 and even got so far as to get on dean's list twice, is this acceptable as an increasing trend in my grades, or would this not be good enough? Also, I am creating a pre-opt. group, and have joined other groups and have done some volunteer work in my years of college. Also, I will be taking biochemistry and some other advanced biology classes to strengthen my application. I was planning on taking the OAT next month, is there any real chance of me getting into optometry school or is my gpa going to set me back?

Hotels in Magaluf, Mallorca?

Basically, I'm planning on going away with my friends to Magaluf next month. The problem is I cant get a hotel room in the right area or for an acceptable price. However, my friend has paid full price for a twin room for himself, he has offered to let me stay in this room free of charge for the week. If I was caught doing this would I be in trouble with the police and kicked out, or would it be acceptable? Thanks.

In the UK which couts deal with what offences, like murder and theft?

which court deals with the most serious crimes e.g. magistrates, crown which one is it and are there others?

Anyone have experience with Guardian ad Litem proceedings?

The GAL is supposed to gather as much info as possible and make a recommendation that is in the best interest of the child.

Baby shower for second children?

I am expecting my second child. We are expecting a girl, and already have a beautiful daughter who is three. My mother is very excited to throw us another baby shower, but I'm not sure that is appropriate. We have most of the things big we need. This baby will be born in a different season so clothing, and things like diapers, wipes, and bottles would be helpful. Does it seem greedy to have another shower or is that socially acceptable?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

What do i say in court , i dont want to bang on bout stuff they wont care bout ? tv license?

Presumably you'll be pleading guilty. If so, the court will then ask if there's anything you wish to say before they pass sentence (or if they don't ask if you can say something). Then's the time to stand up, apologise for taking their time and explain the circumstances. They will listen. You'll have completed a statement of your means, so they'll know what penalty you can be expected to pay.

Is it acceptable to take a takeaway into a hotel?

I am going to stop in a Travelodge for the night, and I want to get a Dominos pizza. If I go and get my pizza and then come back into the hotel with it, will they be annoyed?

Did Britain change our World map for the worse during the first half of the C20TH?

Yes, thank you for pointing it out. Even jumping in the great war, "WW1", was unnecessary. The fewer nations that got involved the better things would be. Germany wanted to unify the German people after their towns were swallowed up in re-drawing the map after WW1. England didn't have to get involved and make things a lot worse. England did in the Falkland Islands in 1982 what Germany did in 1939 to regain their former lands. Imagine if every other nation picked sides and jumped in fighting each other too because of it.

Can I Get Some Help About A False Harassment Charge?

I will give you the short version. I loaned a friend some money. Wrote a check which "noted" on the memo line that the loan was for 1 month. The friend fell into hard times and started bringing me partial payments towards the loan. Recently I contacted the friend and asked if he could complete payment of the loan because I am in need. He told me he would have the money by "Friday". Of course, has come and gone and I did not receive payment. I contacted the friend on Friday by phone and text and he would not respond nor answer my call. Contacted again on Saturday and Sunday and no reply or answer. In one text I explained that I really needed the money and didn't want to ruin our friendship. Therefore, my next step was sending a certified letter to his home requesting payment in full within 15 days or a phone call. Of course when he received the letter he contacted me screaming that it was not a loan and I was just helping him out and said if I needed to I could take him to court because I had no proof. I mentioned I had a copy of the check which would be proof enough. We hung up and two minutes later he called my cell, which I didn't answer and l left a message indicating he would file harassment charges if I contacted him again. The next day I get a phone call from the police indicating they were giving me a warning for harassment due to the correspondence I sent requesting payment of a loan. I could believe it. Anyway, I am going to file a complaint with Magistrate Court for repayment but I know he is going to retaliate by filing a false harassment charge. What are my options? If he files an harassment charge, will the police arrest me on his word without any evidence? I am worried about them showing up at my job and losing my job because of this. I would never have expected this from this person. I guess money does cause people to do crazy things. I can't believe a debt collection letter would be grounds for a harassment claim. If that is the case, can we file harassment charges against all of our creditors and have the police contact them?

Why are my parents making me choose between my macbook pro and my fiancee?

So my parents decided to screw up my life by telling me I cannot go to college anymore. They said they had enough of helping me pay for college and now they want me to quit going to college. I signed up for a summer semester course and it requires a MacBook Pro but my parents want me to drop out of college because they say I won't pass it. They said you always fail every semester, why try and waste your time while you can get a job and get married. Everyone always told me to never give up even my parents, and now they are telling me to give up. I don't want to give up on college as it is making me feel like a failure. They threatened me to give up on college and return the macbook pro back to best buy or else they're going to go down to the magistrate and file a paper to remove me from their house. I'm 20 years old. They're making me choose between keeping my macbook pro and continue to go to college failing every semester and not be able to get married soon. They said your going to get married really late if you continue to go to college. They're making me choose between my macbook pro and college and my fiancee. Why are they doing this to me ?? Why are they stressing me out ?? I love my macbook pro and it is the best computer I have ever had so far, I don't have to worry about viruses on my macbook pro.

I need to interview someone from a non-dominant culture about their culture's grief and loss rituals. Help?

This is for a class, so I need someone serious, please. The interview will include questions about rituals surrounding death, what a significant "loss" is considered in your culture, what type of grieving is acceptable, what are the "afterlife" beliefs, etc. If you're interested in helping, please reply and I will get back to you with specific questions. Thank you so much! If your e-mail address is not public, please suggest a way for me to contact you.

Senior ladies, are any of you married to men who think this is acceptable behaviour?

You have just validated another reason why I should stay single. But, I do know that all men are not that way, perhaps after many years of marriage, things can fall into a dreary rut, so to speak. The trick is to nip it in the bud early, I should imagine, before either one gets too set in their ways.

How do I go about getting my name changed by deed poll through UK magistrates court?

There are a lot of spam websites for changing name etc. I want to do this properly and legally... I am currently unemployed so don't have money to pay a solicitor. To deal with this for me! Please tell me the best, cheapest, legal way to do this through magistrates court.

Quick help on an opening paragraph... Just tell me what is happening?

please!a href=";_ylt=Aik9XXo4jUpFXjWN3UfwNMXsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110609193042AA70SHg";…/a

Points on license? Which do I plead?

not sure how different the law is where you are but,in the uk,ignorance of the law is not an excuse for breaking the say you were speeding because you were lost doesnt really justify for being pregnant,i'm not so sure but the judge may suggest you avoid driving if you were speeding because you were pregnant.the judge may well suggest that you were speeding because you got off at the wrong exit which made you late home .....

What difference would "juge d'instruction" role would make to inquistorial system if its abolished in future?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How long do you have to file an assault and battery in NC?

i live with my mother in law who works at the tax office in NC and we got into an argument and she jumped up in my face so my husband got in between us and pushed her back and she started swinging around him about three or four times til he got her into the corner then she twirled around him and hit me in my face knocking my glasses into my eye socket in front of my husband and my two year old son. I called the police but when they showed up all they said was to go to the magistrates office and file charges. So what I need to know is how long do I have to file charges and since we live in the same house, us upstairs, is it possible to get a restraining order against her? Oh and we can't move out just yet, we were in the process of saving to get out but now pressed for time and have no where to go. Please Help. Thanks.

Parents, how badly do you think this will go?

The best thing in this situation would be to point this out to your ex and offer to let her have your daughter on Mother's Day. That would look good in the eyes of the court. If you just abide the order and keep your daughter with you on Mother's Day, the ex will use that against you; as you know the judge did not do that on purpose. You need to make an effort to be the bigger person and do what is right, which is letting a mother be with her child on Mother's Day. Take care!

What is your take on no-knock search warrants?

I believe that no-knock search warrants should be used only for hostage situations or other emergency situations as pointed out by the poster who says he is in law enforcement. But I agree with "Tea Party" that cops are abusing the system. There are many such raids going on all over the US for the purpose of finding drugs, which includes marijuana.

UK child abuse law question?

The cps and police must think they have a strong case for it to be going to crown court. All you can do is tell the truth and if there is things you can't remember then just be honest and say so.I doubt very much the whole case hinges on just your testimony so don't worry about your memory not being up to scratch.

What will be the next state to legalize same-sex marriage?

New York just became the sixth state to legalize same-sex marriage. As more and more people are becoming acceptable of same-sex marriages, what state do you think will the next to legalize it

Impacts on Australian society by Pat O'Shane?

I have a school project and I actually cant find anything about this online. Like she was first aboriginal magistrate but wat impacts has she made on Australian society and Indigenous people? basically how has she helped indigenous? to wat extent has reconcilliation been achieved by her?

Not guilty or guilty ?

A is supposed to have attacked man B while B was in his car the witness said that she helped pull A off B outside the car a marked difference A should be able to beat the charge on unreliability of both B and his witness testimony

Does anyone have any rearranging formula questions for me so I can practice?

Need to practice re-arranging formulas, I need higher GSCE Level and A Level questions to practice or does anybody know where I can find practice questions, GSCE Bitesize is a bit too easy

Shall i Plead guilty or not guilty?? Please dont answer unless you have experience or some knowledge on law?

No, you have it all wrong. Prosecutors don't offer a deal because they have a weak case. They offer a deal because they have a good case and don't want to waste time in court. If your friend makes them go to court they'll be pissed and make sure he's prosecuted for it all and push for the highest sentence.

Should a guy always rearrange his schedule to meet the woman's schedule he's dating?

You both need to comprimise. You shouldn't always be the one making sacrifices, neither should she. If she is starting to make a habit of blowing you off or expecting you to drop everything for her you need to talk about it. She may not realize that it is a problem.

Do prosecutors go easier on you if pleading guilt right away?

The Prosecution don't have any interest in getting you a heavy sentence. Their main concern is to gain a conviction and to be able to file the case away. They are called upon to give the brief facts of the case and obviously they are going to mention the fact that you admitted that you were in possession with intent to supply, but don't forget that your barrister has the last word and will fall over backwards to point out how cooperative you have been and all the positive things (s)he can think of in your favour. You will certainly be given credit in sentencing for your plea of guilty.

My Boyfriend was jumped three days ago over taking a piece of aluminum hanging out of a dumpster on the street?

He always collects scrap metal such as cans, copper, aluminum, brass, ect he went down to the police station to pick up the report today but the officer who came out that day wasen't working so he has to go back monday which will be 6 days after the incident to bring it to the magistrate's office which they know were waiting for the police report too to press charges my boyfriend did not fight back with them what kind of punishment are they gonna get we live in PA? and is 6 days after too late to press charges if were waiting for the police report?

How to deal with roommate's new girlfriend practically moving in?

Honestly, I don't really see where the issue lies other than that she doesn't want to be your friend; which I think is fine. She's jamie's gf and doesn't have to be your friend. If she is civil than I don't see an issue. Tell her specifically, what things she does to bother you( i.e. locking the door) and just deal with it.

What is the Gap dress code?

I have an interview at the gap and i am wondering what kind of clothes you wear when you work there. Are jeans acceptable or do people who work there wear khakis? I'm just curious about the dress code before I go in and interview.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What are the possible charges?

I am 15 and on 4/20/11 I was arrested for possession of marijuana (about a dime) and possession of drug paraphernalia (a pipe). I live in Ohio and my court date was 6/15/11 and my mom made me plead not guilty so the magistrate placed me under house arrest. What are the charges that I may face? Also: please don't tell me not to smoke, it wasn't mine, but it was in my purse. I take full responsibility for the mistake I made by allowing it to be put in my purse, but I don't smoke and the officers put in their reports that as a judge of character they didn't think it was mine.

What grade do they start the A, B, C, D, F scale?

I am starting to homeschool my son in the fall. I don't remember what the grading scale is in kindergarten. I know it's something like exceptional, acceptable, and needs improvement. But, I don't remember for sure, and I don't remember when we started the letter grades. Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks!

What happens when you default on a credit card?

I have defaulted on a credit card and have been served suit papers for magistrate court. The IRS has already had liens put on all my property. What can these credit card people possibly get?

Show that the lines 3x - 2y + 8 = 0 and 5x -3x/3y - 4 = 0 are parallel ? HELP!?

This is for my maths exam tomorrow and im stuck. i know that parallel lines have the same gradient/slope but the second equation is tricky as it involves 3x/3y. i dont know how to rearrange it to y = mx = c ??

Is SP30(3 points,�60 by Magistrate Court) conviction per Rehabilitation Act 1974?

Yes it does. You could have just paid the fee before your court date and not gone to court, then there would have been no points.

Court case dismissed uk?

It means he has got away with the crime, which is a shame, the case as been dismissed so it's over, however if I was his victim I would personally sue him for a massive amount of money, so unfortunately on this occasions he walks.

10 points for best investment advice please?

Go to your bank and building societies and talk to one of the planners. They will assess your approach to risk and advise you.

What's acceptable to bring on an airplane?

Specifically, I have a small bottle of lotion. On the bottle, it says there's 4.0 fl. ounces in it (when it's brand new, but I've been using it for a while so I know there's actually less in there). I know that you can only bring liquids on a plane up to 3.4 fl. ounces. So, would there be a problem if the bottle says 4.0 but there's 3.4 or less in there?

What is limit to pressing charges against four men for harassment in Pennsylvania were waiting for the report?

Three days ago my boyfriend was collecting scrap metal to bring to the junkyard he has permission from many places and he never goes on someone else's property without asking them first. he has a baby carriage to carry everything in and was walking past a dumpster on the street with a piece of aluminum hanging out of it he grabbed it, four men who were working on a house there started attacking him kicking our baby carriage and hitting it with a hammer, the others were smacking and kicking my boyfriend calling him names. when he got home he called the authorities and they came out my boyfriend did not fight back with them nor use any inappropriate language like them, but because my boyfriend had to go to the junkyard and three hours later called on them the officer told us he was going to fill out paperwork with the four men's information to bring to the magistrate's office however the officer didn't sign his name on the paper. my boyfriend went down there today they told him to come back on monday and the magistrate's office knows were waiting on the police report, but monday will be six days after the incident won't that be too long too press charges against them? the one man drove past our apartment and gave him the finger plus he keeps driving past my boyfriend informed them he's pressing charges against them. they told him it will never happen and kept their confidence monday he's going to the police station and picking up the police report because the officer who came out that day will be working and is gonna sign it

Can I make an offer on a home that is listed as a short sale that is below the price listed for that home?

I am currently looking for a home to buy, I am a first time home buyer, so I'm pretty new at this all. I have found a place that I like, and it is listed at the top of the price range I am willing to pay for my first home. It's listing price is $125,000. It is listed as a short sale property. My question is this: Can I make an offer lower than this price, or is that short sale listed price pretty much the lowest price this home would be available at? If I can what would be an acceptable price to offer for this home? It is a very nice place, remodeled with a garage and the comparable home's surrounding it are valued at much more than this place is listed at. Thanks in advance for any advice.

When can you start calling your boyfriend by a cute nickname?

You can do it whenever you like. Just do it gradually and every once in a while slip a "babe" or whatever into the conversation. Don't discuss it with him or plan it, because it makes it too forced and awkward. Guys like nicknames, just not in front of their friends, so keep that in mind. Try it out and if it's bad, you'll know! Best of luck :)

Landlord problem - safety issue and neglecting his responsibilities?

Contact your local tenant's union, they are the people who can help you the most. Or consider hiring someone who knows about the unit to look at it and recommend repairs or replacements.

Why did my cat's behavior suddenly change?

Ur cat is mad that u got another cat most cats don't like other cats being around. Cats only Like their brother or sister. But sum cats do like other cats

What's the definition of genital inadequacy?

It isn't always the man's fault...and I don't think that "fault" is the issue, anyway. Sometimes it's simply circumstance... But where there IS a problem, since, as you pointed out, there are apparently no effective 'vaginal constriction offerings' on the market (and I'm sure this is being researched as we speak) other than Kegel exercises...which incidentally, only marginally work, particularly in women of a certain age, the next most logical conclusion is to adequately enlarge what can be, rather than constrict what cannot...

How to stop stepkids and husband from sucking the life out of me.?

Ive raised my step kids since they were 3&7,now 10&14.I have shared guardianship papers with court.I provided for them,rearranged work schedule,doctors,school etc.Provided and loved as my own.We have them every other week,sometimes weeks at a time.Most of my pay went to them.I became extremely ill last year from rare disorder and had to retire early. I have a 21 yr old and my spouse have a 2 yr old.Im expected to clean,,cook and care for the children when they are here, father is sleeping, works nights, that's fine.They are a joy,we had fun,but when they were not allowed to get their way(safety reasons, money, or i was sick)i was treated awful.Now, they don't listen, they yell at me,or cause my daughter harm,or yell and fight each other, i try to stop it,they wake their dad up & start making up stuff &wine to their dad, he starts calling me names, yelling at me.I hate to even say this, it hurts.They've lied on me to get their way with the other parents,played one against the other taught my 2 yr old curse words,hit her a few times, yell at her for crying, when i say something or try to give them a time out, they wake their dad up saying a bunch of lies then all three of them starts yelling at me!Ive went without food ,baths,basic Hygiene stuff because their dad gives them everything they want and himself what he wants most of the time,when they get something they just toss it, in meantime im doing without some of my medications, doctors visits. husband will only do things with kids. i medically cannot drive but im not dead and still young, i do what i can, I feel used by them,ive given money to their mom to help her out with so many things,(a christian southern gal) just because i thought it was the right thing to do..I keep giving into my husbands demands but i think dog pee is treated better than this.I believe in my vows, want to continue to love and cherish my family, but im getting a bad taste in my mouth now and beginning to get fed up with being expected to be someones maid while everyone tears up our home, treats me badly, oh yes, spouse even throws items of mine away without asking, important expensive stuff of mine , he doesn't even care when i say something. Ive talked, cried pleated begged tried to change everything i do, but the only thing that's changed is that im not the smiling, happy, girl anymore.I love them, but its affecting my health so bad and preventing me from doing things with the 2 yr old that i want to be doing.We've went to dinner twice since our honeymoon in 2007, hes had an affair in 2008and put us in bankruptcy. He isn't having an affair now,but maybe hes cloned me into a pushover and broke my spine. When i talk with him about it and make suggestions or let him make suggestions he tells m e everything is my fault and none of them do anything wrong. He left me unconscious twice on the floor few years ago , mom ended up getting me.Kind of scary.But he had an excuse or made it sound like i didn't know what i was talking about that he had to quickly care for the 2 yr old, i vaguely remember trying to crawl on porch and pressing my alarm button, that's when my mom came and i ended up in hospital for a few weeks. Now what. Please no negative comments unless its constructive criticism.I feel bad enough about speaking this loudly, this is my first time ever. Thanks,

Where to get sturdy hair sticks?

I like to put my hair up in a stick. The problem is that plastic sticks from places like clair's accessories are too weak and too long. I end up poking people's eyes out and getting the bottom of the stick stuck in my top. That's if I didn't already break it putting it in. For the last few years I've been using Indian stick made of bone or sticks made of wood. The problem is I don't come across shops that sell these sticks very often. I've dropped many of my bone ones and they're chipped. While I can still use them, the chipped bits mean it's not so easy to slide them into my hair anymore so I want new ones but can't find them anywhere. Wooden one's are also acceptable but they often end up splintering quite quickly. Does anyone know of a reliable UK website I can get sturdy hair sticks from?

Do you have Internet Explorer and do you like it?

I use Mozilla Firefox and Flock and neither of them are acceptable. I tried Safari and didn't like it either. I have Windows XP E Machine.

Is it wrong to be upset because of this?

My boyfriend and my brother go on little golfing trips and are gone for at least 5 hours when they do. My boyfriend works two jobs so I hardly get to see him, and when he chooses to hangout with my brother rather than me, I get upset. Is that acceptable? :/

How come its not fun being good?

Not many accept you because you don't drink, smoke, watch demeaning movies, treat women badly, constantly on twitter, facebook, doing the popular dances that are socially acceptable, conforming(aka selling ones soul to fit in). What is your opinion?

Is it possible NOT to put chicken into sopas?

Sopas is a filipino soup. :D I just want to know if its possible not to put chicken. And if yes, What can I substitute, and are hotdogs acceptable?

I have a small claims court question?

She's in the wrong. You gave her an estimate, I just hope you stated that either verbally or on the worksheet. She just wants you to do free work for her.

Accusation of racially motivated assault?

Ok so there's this bloke I know who has been paranoid about me and my brother having sexual relations with his girlfriend and 5 months ago I knocked on his girlfriends door and shouted at him because he made my brothers g.friend cry he came running out of his house and punched me in the face he threw another punch and I blocked it and bear hugged him after a while of holding him I threw him down to the ground and ran inside 5 months later he and his g.friend reported me to the police saying I called him a Chinese whatever and I beat him up and also damaged his van by punching it the police charged me for it and now I have to go to magistrates court for something I didn't do I never damged his van and he was the one who punched me I'm so scared what should I do what's gonna happen to me? My brother sister her boyfriend and my dad all witnessed him attack me.. :-(

Is it polite to say "Can I talk to you in private" when you have company like they do on TV?

I was taught it was rude to do that since for all your guests know you could be talking about THEM, but I've seen this happen on TV so often I'm wondering if it's actually acceptable... or if it's just one of those things that happens on TV.

I made my own p90x workout,do you think it sounds good????

You're overworking muscle groups. You don't build muscle during the workouts, you build muscle during the rest periods. Also you should avoid Ab Ripper X. It should be called Low Back Ripper X. Look into abdominal bracing and spinal stability exercises.

Magistrates court, how can i not lose my job?

I am going to magistrates court and it looks reporters , the press will be there. I will not lose my job if i tell my employers , i will get punished but i will keep my job.....HOWEVER if it is printed in my local press i will most certainly lose my job ...can i get my employment not disclosed in any way ? the prosecution know my job

Whom would you say is the greatest man who ever lived?

Whom is the greatest person who ever lived? You are free to define greatness as you please, but though I respect all religions, please do not use religious figures such as Jesus Christ, Buddha, The Prophet Muhammad, Ezekiel, et cetra. However, religious leaders such as M.K. Gandhi would be acceptable.

Christians, what is Abel saying today?

It just means that Abel's example of faith is still relevant as are the other faithful ones in Biblical times.

What sentence can I expect at court?

Lets hope your sentence is a long and hard one. You sound like a complete selfish violent little brat. At least your parents will be safe with you being locked up. What the Hell kind of animal are you?

What sentence can i expect and will they require a pre sentence report?

I have been charged with theft from my employer and will have to go to magistrate court in 2 weeks time. i do not try to make excuses for what i have done. I was, I am in financial difficulties, thought that i can repay the money. I have already written to my former employer apologising and offering to repay the money. I have no previous convictions. the total is just over �6000 . will I be sentenced on the day straightaway? What will happen at the hearing? I will of course plead guilty and again apologise. Will the judge request a pre sentence report? I have 3 children, will this be taken into account when sentencing? If a prison sentence is decided, what are my chances that it could be suspended? Please can somebody give me an hones answer.I know what i have done was wrong, so please don't reply with what bad person i am and deserve everything i have coming. Many thanks

What words/names are not offensive towards gays? (for gays)?

I'm writing an essay on how society needs to accept the gay community. (i don't want to hear that you are against the topic) But what i do want to know are some terms i can use in my paper. My teacher is a lesbian. She's married to her wife (duh!) so i don't want to offend her. I know words like (excuse me) dyke & homo are definitely no-no's. So give me some that are acceptable. (please no stupid answers i need real ones that can help me write my essay.) I've heard the word queer coming from a gay guy but idk if it's okay, is it? Any suggestions?

Please help with some english?

What I can infer about your motivation is that you want to cheat and get strangers to do your homework for you.

Definite integrals with Trig and compound angles?

If you miss your next period take a pregnancy test. The best time to take it is with the very first urine in the morning.Your hormones will be higher. Good luck.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Is it acceptable to shoot a burglar in the back?

Nope. You may not attack anyone unless they are threatening you. In both examples the burglar is not a threat.

How do you get the prosecuting atty in WV to file criminal charges against persons ?

I caught trespassers bulldozing my property that I've owned for over 50 years. These unknown "thugs" went down to their friend the Magistrate and the Magistrate "wrote" out the criminal complaint (in Magistrate's own handwriting" "made up the content" the "thugs" signed the criminal complaints and the Magistrate issued three summons for my arrest for "Peace Bonds" against me on my own property for telling these unknown trespassers to leave my property. This was all witnessed by other people when I caught these "thugs" bulldozing and taking down my trees. I retained an attorney, went to Court, and another Magistrate told these "thugs" to never do anything like that again. The Magistrate let these "thugs" go. The Magistrate did not make the "thugs" pay for the damage or my expenses. I now have a criminal history for three misdemeanors on crimes that I did not commit. So, I had to file for an expungement. So, I filed a complaint against the Magistrate that conspired with the "thugs" with the Judicial Commission and have attempted to get the Prosecuting Attorney to pursue criminal charges against these unknown "thugs" for extortion. (These "thugs" have continuously returned to my property and continue to cause damage.) The prosecuting attorney will not pursue charges and will not take my telephone calls or respond to my correspondence. In fact I am unable to get any local attorney to assist me due to the corrupt involvement of the local Magistrate. I filed for an injunction against these terrible criminals and have provided my deed, survey, witness statements, witness testimony and the "thugs" have provided "nothing". These terrible unknown men have stalked, harassed, threatened, assaulted, threatened to file more false criminal reports against me, etc.. --- The local sheriff took a report, but never investigated and stated that "a lot of very powerful people in the community " were watching this situation. -- The deputy said that is all that he could do for me. -- It has been over one year with 6 "show cause" hearings and the "thugs" attorney just keeps continuing and continuing. -- I have filed three "motions for Summary Judgment" , but the Judge just keeps denying my Motions, but will not give me an order with the facts and conclusions of law. I have requested that the Court provide me with the Court's order so that I can appeal the denial of my motions for summary judgment. These "thugs" need to be prosecuted for their criminal acts and I can't seem to get the Court, prosecuting attorney or law enforcement to do their job. So, how do I get the prosecuting attorney to at least investigate this matter?

I want to be a personal trainer but I'm still lightly overweight. Should I still pursue my license?

Two years ago I started my own health and wellness journey. I am 5'9 started at 260 at 36% body fat and I am now 165 at 24% BF. I desire to help lead and inspire others to become healthy and maintain it. I'm hoping to get my masters in physical education but while I'm going to school I want to train. Would you hire me as a personal trainer? Is this acceptable? I'm still working hard every day to get the last 20lbs off and I'm constantly setting new fitness and athletic goals.

Hypercube!! i need help!!?

So im a girl who's very much into space-time and dimensions n all that stuff... i've been searchin alot about the 4 dimensional cube aka the hypercube n i just want a very simple and easy to understand concept of the hypercube... N the thing is that im just in 9th grade... i mean it really fantasizes me to really know if a concept like 4 dimensions is acceptable to the limitations of the human mind...

OAP threatened with knife for �3 what should happen to the offenders?

A 73 year old man was threatened with a knife by two 17 year olds near Nottingham. The Police have arrested the offenders, but they have been released on bail by the Magistrate. Is the justice system crazy to release them on bail?. This is not the first time they have done this.

Will the abstentions to local, national and voting reform votes be counted and publicised as common courtesy?

to the very angry electorate that is only registered to vote to stop lawyers being paid yet more and, it is (currently) fraudulently claimed, is valued as much as the magistrate who finds it unacceptable that we are not given the opportunity to vote against?

FREE Software For Youtube Poops?

Hello! I am a Youtuber and I am working on my first YTP, or Youtube Poop. Some that I have seen on Youtube are very funny, some are not. I would love to make a funny one. :) I want people to laugh while they watch it. Some effects I would like to do are taking clips and rearranging them so that the character says something different, switching colors in the video, making audio/video go backwards, etc. What FREE (maybe trials, but I am not going to pay) programs/softwares should I use to make a FUNNY, not lame, YTP. I have Windows Movie Maker (WMM), but that is not working out too well. It is very hard to do it on WMM. So, please give links with your answer. Love ya! xoxo

What happened to the indian girls..gosh,ban all the porn sites in India!?

read it carefully..with the advent of internet and media,indian girls have resorted now to revealing clothing..ok,that can be acceptable as long as she is not having random sex..the thing is ,the concept of boyfriend it someone to just have sex with?..or is it someone you really love and care for and wish to take it all the way to marriage?..some men prefer the former and girls nowadays seem to be perfectly fine with it..they keep swapping people..dont tell me its the hormones..i know that..its a matter of controlling it isn't(porn takes away the control from you)...i not against premarital sex..i am against random,what about the good guys who have not a relationship till it wrong of them to expect the same,to be the first one to love them...relationships are not bad..but if they don't take it till marriage..then it is safe to assume its only for the sex,yeah?that's the real perversity

Common assault what is the likely sentence? it happend in the a domestic context.?

i was charged with s39 common assault. my partner will not press charge but police have picture of bruises. however i admitted it very early at the police station. i have been to magistrate court last friday and the judge refers me to probation officer for a presenting report. this is my first offence. my 4 year child was present in the house at the time but did not actually see the act as he was downstairs in the bedroom. i believe my partner will not press charge and she did not come to court on friday.the prosecutor mention the fact that i used my belt a couple of times on my partner. but she did not mention the fact that she also hit me with a computeur cable.i was order not to contact her but she is texting me to tell me that she did not want our relationship to end. i love her too and i want my relationship with her to continue. what is the likely sentence for this? i'm working full time and studying full time aswell. never get into a trouble before.please help me.

How much of a teenager's opinions are nonsense and invalid?

An opinion is an opinion, and often it would change from when you turn 19 to 20. So age doesn't really matter.

What information should you NOT post in an answer in the Dog Section?

Don't take your sick dog to the vet. They just rip you off. You'll get better answers by posting your medical question on this forum.


I don't need an exact answer, just steps in the right direction. So far I rearranged it to get e^(-1/x^2)*x^3dx and used u substitution to get u=-1/x^2 and du=2x^-3 but I don't know where to go from there.

How can some cultures in Asia still think this is acceptable?

I am a diver and I love all animals, in the ocean and on land. How can some people think that eating things like Shark fin soup and bits and pieces of endangered animals is okay? Do they not realize these animals are disappearing? Do they not know that these ancient cultures and beliefs of ritual medicine are not real? Do they realize that these animals are being tortured and killed and very soon will no longer be around? What will you do when they are no longer living?

Do i have to go to state check is from to below?

my husband and son worked on a house for 11 days. The woman paid my husband cash and my son a check. We had to leave the state to return by the next day and at the time, banks were closed. When he went to cash the check, the lady had put a stop payment on the check. I was told that he would have to file a small claim in magistrate court where she lives. Is this true? There is no way he can make the trip so will he just have to lose out on the $1000?

Poll: Is this an ok name for a photography album on Facebook?

I'm sort of new to Facebook, and have never done an album before. I've always wanted to do photography, so I tried doing a few pics and I think they look acceptable so I decided to put them on Facebook. Would "My Attempt at Photography" be an ok name? I'm asking this question in this section because I never get answers anywhere else..Thanks!

When would be the acceptable time to call?

Yesterday my friend called me and told me her work was hiring and that she knew I was looking for a job so if I wanted her to she'd get me an application the next day. (Today) She didn't call me or anything about it today so I was wondering how long should I wait before asking her if she got the application for me?


Absolutely NOT. They belong at home with sitters not at a reception running around screaming and demanding attention and being a pain.

10 points for best answer.what does he mean........?

It sounds like he likes you. But He also sounds a bit off. You have to ask yourself why you want to be with someone who is so violent. If you do get with him, is he going to go off on every person that looks at you? That's no way to live your life. He sounds really immature. Especially if he is always insulting you and turning every thing you say into something sexual. Men don't act that way, little boys do. Have some respect for yourself and ditch this guy.

What are the signs that a laxative is working?

I took a Senna laxative about nine hours ago, but have not had a movement yet. I can feel stuff happening in my intestines and I have even had some mildly painful cramps. I have read that Senna can take days, but that is simply not acceptable as I have work this week. Will it work soon or perhaps in the morning?

Going through a foreclosure, what does this mean?

No the lenders are not in a hurry to have the house empty. They don't tell you a date until they have a buyer

Complete this survey for me?

blahhhh.....SOOOO MANY CONFUSING QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!! *mental shutdown* ........................................…

Armpit hair acceptable?

I was on the bus earlier and saw this young beautiful lady wearing sleeveless and when she raised her arm I died! There was hair!!! But no odor.. I seem to notice a lot of white girls not saving there it ok? And how about leg hair? I don't know if it's just me but I never wear shorts or skirt with hairy legs..

How do White people view of Gays...?

Well, I'm white and I think that you live your life the way you choose. Science has actually proven that a small fraction of the brain is actually gay anyway.

What are my legal options? PLEASE HELP! State college, Illegal/unjust activity.?

I received a parking ticket for 108$$ when my car broke down, while I awaited a tow truck. A few weeks later I received a letter in the mail that a warrant was put out for my arrest do to lack of payment, I then filed an appeal with the Magistrate John Grine in state college, PA, had to type/print a letter stating my appeal with the docket number for the ticket as well as provide my current address; and was told I would receive information about the hearing shortly. Today I get a letter saying that I missed the hearing and will have to pay them 108$$ end of story. I call the magistrate and asked them why I never received information about the hearing in the mail, to which they she rudely told me that they received it back in the mail just today; yet somehow this letter mailed yesterday telling me it's too late and will HAVE to pay made it perfectly fine to my mailbox as well as a bill previous to this letter, and the warrant for my arrest. They apparently used a different address to send my hearing letter out, and then used the correct address which was on my appeal letter i physically handed to them to let me know I would have to pay them the money and there would be no chance for a hearing because i didn't show up (how do you show up for something if you don't know it's happening). Now I have no option, never received a fair trial/hearing, and must pay no questions asked. The only option was to contact an office which I couldn't even pronounce and pay them 60 dollars for yet another appeal; now that doesn't seem worth it when the ticket is 108$, i don't have 60 dollars to pay them and certainly don't have 108. Do i have any other legal options, can I contact state representative, if so who. The lady at the magistrate office was rude, told me I had no option besides a 60 dollar appeal, or pay up, then hung up the phone on me. First of all, does that not seem illegal and scam-like (sending the bill/warrant to the correct address and somehow mysteriously flubbing the address for my hearing), secondly how on earth can they get away with doing this? and lastly who can I contact to fix this problem?

Need to get my own CRB check done , how can I do it?

I need to see if the speeding ticket I got thru magistrate court 4 years back is a conviction or not, and need to go for a CRB check (Standard or Enhanced may be ), does anyone know of any good umbrella body ?

Is this a good weight plan?

drink a full glass of water no ice before each meal it is a cheat to lose weight it doesnt make you anorexic but you will eat les because you will feel fuull and dont eat while doing anything else it will distract your mind from the fact that youare eating and you will happen to eat more than you would on a normal day hope this will help

Trying to decide if I should get another Cocktiel?

We unexpectedly rescued a cockatiel from a tree outside my work almost 2 years ago. We put ads out but no one claimed him so instead of taking him to a shelter we decided to keep him & named him Harley. Did alot of research when we got him because I've never had one before and since then we have become to love him to death. His previous owner must have been kind to him because he is mostly hand tamed and loves to be out of his cage, however, he doesn't get out of his cage as much as he used to due to our schedules and us already having 4 dogs so we need to have Harley in a separate room when we do take him out. My husband is at home most of the day so Harley does get at least an hour out a day and on the weekends I spend at least an hour a day with him. We also put him in our living room during the day and in our bedroom at night so he is always in our sight and we also communicate with him throughout the day as much as we can. However, sometime I feel guilty that he is still not getting enough time out of his cage. When he is out, he doesn't really explore. He pretty much stays on our shoulders but lately he is not wanting to go back into his cage when its time. I do not know if he came from a home with another bird or not. Me and my husband have contemplated getting another one for about a year now but are torn. I have read that if you have 2 birds, then they will bond more with each other than with you. We certainly don't want that. However, if we did get another would it be acceptable to permanently keep them in separate cages. I really don't want to house them together. I don't mind the extra cleaning work, but what if we put their cages side by side and they seem to get along and then get frustrated because they can't have contact with each other. Would that stress them out. Any suggestions would be helpful.

My ex-girlfriend took a restraining order on me for following a guys car that she was riding in ?

i never threatened her, she took out the restraining order in the morning, and the magistrate told me i cannot talk to her unless she talks to me, so later that night she rides by my job and still has a set of my car keys with her and hits the alarm off multiple times. so i call the police and have them follow me to her house to retreive my keys back but she swore she didnt have them, so i left. 5 minutes went by and she texted me told me to come outside even though i was still under a restraining order and she is at my doorstep with my keys. hands it to me, and she told the cops she would drop the restraining order on me if i paid the court costs. so i texted her goodnight later that night? am i gonna be in the wrong at court? bcuz she changed her mind about dropping the restraining order!

Window air conditioning?

i have a window air conditioner and my dad is being an a$$ insisting that i have to move my bed so that he can put it in the window closest to the outlet, well i have an extension cord that just happens to reach my other window so i wouldn't have to rearrange my room. he says you can't plug it into an extension cord, please please tell me he's wrong i like my room the way it is minus the heat. please help

Theft by Employee at Crown Court?

I'm concerned that your solicitor is so negative about your prospects of success. Just hang on to the fact that if you didn't do this, then you shouldn't be convicted of theft. It remains the case that the prosecution have to convince the jury beyond all reasonable doubt that you did do it. Try to remain calm and think of anything you can possibly say which would support your protestations of innocence. Theft from an employer is a serious matter -- but they still have to prove you did it. Keep on fighting!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Baby Name Help Please?

Juliet Clarke is charming. It sounds very English, especially with Clarke as the middle name. The others don't even compare. Congratulations! ~ ~ ~

What do I need to wear to Magistrates Court?

remember this is court so dressy is ok and can work in your favor. Just don't let dressy become too sexy. Jeans unless worn with a very nice shirt and shoes are probably a no-no.

Clubbing solo in Vancouver?

Hey everyone, I'm a 19 year old guy here as of May, (sorry for the pour-outs here haha) and probably because I used to be a pretty quiet dude, I've been really interested in going out to bars and clubs lately. I've been to a few places with friends whenever they've wanted to go but lots of my friends or acquantances are still 18. And the ones that are old enough don't always have the same desire to go out. So, does anyone have any experience in clubbing solo, is it in anyway acceptable? What are some suggestions? I just want to make the most out of the summer and have some good times before the fall starts where I will really have to put a ton of focus on a hectic college schedule. I'm about average as far as looks and personallity go so should I give it a try next time I can't find anyone to come out with me?

So many questions can't be answered, or can they?

I understand what you are trying to convey here but it is difficult to put into words because it is based on the billions of bits of information we all receive daily and to put it into one abstraction is a daunting challenge.

Exactly where and who should i talk to if i want to become a police officer?

I am in High Point NC if thats helps. Where do I need to go I.E police station, Magistrates office...? Who do I need to talk to is there a recruiter or what?

Is it possible for 2 ppl (boy and girl) to b in love at the age of 13?

just wondering if it was possible...yes or no answers are acceptable but a lil more info would be more aapreiciated thankyou.

When is it OK to hit a woman?

I get so close sometimes but then I hold off because society says it's wrong. I believe if a girl says something stupid or just keeps talking, you should be able to smack her in the face. Not hard or in an abusive way, just enough to stun her for a second. I think it would do 2 things: 1) teach her to think before she speaks and 2) make her a better person. Now before you jump down my throat, I am not advocating woman abuse. I am talking a smack just hard enough to leave a hand print. The question is where do you draw the line and say this is acceptable and this isn't?

Can someone get their license taken away if they go to a park after dark, went off roading, turfed some grass?

For the record pleading Not Guilty is NEVER Contempt of Court. You could be filmed doing it and the police could have a taped confession and it is STILL not contempt of court to say you aren't guilty. In the US we are given the right to trial if we want it. Now if you were video taped doing it and signed a confession that it was you(after being read your rights and everything) then there isn't much point to pleading not guilty, but it STILL would be the option if you wanted to take it.

Why do americans assume their law which is actually state by state, is right all the times?

Some one who was 23 had asked about 16 and someone said they were a pervert because that is illegal but its not illegal in all states even over there and its far healthier relative to the fifity year old man who had asked the parents permission to marry someone of said age, still not saying its completely healthy at least at first. And in britain yes one would probably get comments for that and people would at first wonder about it but in a year folk would forget about it any way as 17 and 24 is really not so bad. I mean it is dodgy when someone is 16 but is not illegal i find it strange people are saying wait to 18 when thats not the law in many places, at the end of day most of the globe has age 16/17 and therefore that age becomes boderline acceptable whereas, correctly few places have 15 because its wrong, but its a bit incorrect to call someone a pervert if someone is 16 and bodering on rediculous if you find a 17 year old attractive its just plain aggressive unless your like 30 in which case the motives may be more suspect than a genuine attraction. I guess if an older man was continuely attracted to only 17 year olds they would be wrong but not if it were just one, an older man who acts on attraction to some one under 16 though is very wrong/perverted. I just think that terming people perverts should be keep for the more serious and less grey cases as if you band it about how would you feel if it were ure son/daughter that had those names when they werent actually breaking any laws of a given country or state thus infering they were the same as someone who acted illegally. And why would an older woman with a younger man be fine but the converse perverted yet both were legal? I think 16 in the uk is correct and well I wont apologise for thinking the current law is ok when law makers the world over agree, even in right wing america, I think higher impacts on liberty and lower destroys protection of the vulnerable, and up to a point, the balance of where someone thinks the law should be set is a personal issue but obviously some would have warped views far from consenseus and morality. But I personally would probably only date some of 17, as the hassle for a start would be too much unless it was the one you were sure you wanted to be with for the rest of time then a few dirty looks and acceptance would be worth it, luckily such situations dont happen to often lol. I know folk who are out of line with morality would think the same way but there is I think,perhaps in folly, a bit of a difference between something that is legal in many places and something which is inherrently perverted, because a child is a child and before 16 there can be no argument of what is true.

How much can I sue a person for libel/Slander/defamation of character in VA?

I am wondering how much I can sue a person for in commonwealth of VA for libel/slander/defamation of character? I am a law enforcement officer. This person came to my place of employment and gave a oral and written statement to my superiors. With fabricated stories of myself stalking and harassing her. When she did not get the results she wants at my job. She went down to her local magistrates officer and took out a warrant for harassment. She claims I been calling her and she is in fear for her safety due to me being a law enforcement officer. I am in the process of retrieving my cell phone and home phone records to dispute all of this non sense. However, when this is all said and done. I would like to sue her. It's been the talk of the town at work about the lady coming up there making claims against me. The complaint she file against me with the magistrate was a waste of paper. It doesn't even say what she told my job. When this is all said and done I am taking her to court to sue for this embarrassment and disgrace. I was planning on going on to another law enforcement agency. No I am at a stand still. I cant even seem to get in any training classes that we have anymore.

Are there any books that talk about ancient Rome/Greece's day to day happenings for people, especially slaves?

I should like to know about the day to day stuff for all the classes of people, slaves, free men, magistrate, normal families, kings/queens/monarchy etc but mostly slaves, if that's available. I don't want a massive hardback history book full of pictures. I'd like one I can read day to day. I've looked on Amazon but there are so many I have no idea where to start.

Are my friends a lesbian couple?

People generally tell the truth when they are drunk. Does it really matter whether they are or not, it won't change anything other than satisfy everyones curiosity. Just leave it be they will come out when they are ready and the best thing you all can do is support them on their journey.

118mph in a 70 (Motorway)?

Sorry no sympathy, you should have thought about the fact that besides breaking the law and getting banned (which you deserve) you could have so easily come across a situation which called for a quick stop, (which you had no chance of doing so at that speed) i.e. a broken down vehicle, accident etc. You would then have been endangering other lives not to mention your own.

I'd like to publicly display my court case and my ruling. I want the peoples opinions.?

unfortunatly the "old man river" judge is probably not gonna be on yahoo answers nor is he gonna even give a damn about what me or any other person has to say thats why he is the " judge" u should have taken your story to your local news station.

Am I doing this physics question correctly? (Efficiency)?

Hi sorry i don't agree there is a lot more to thermal dynamics and engineering theory that that simple analogy, further reading is required.

Got a ticket for an expired registration because my tags weren't current, but my registration is current?

You really should have waited for the ticket. The only way to clear it was to go to court with the proof of registration, and without the ticket you had no way of doing that. You are several steps behind the legal process now and will have to appear before the magistrate and jump through the hoops.

Cps took custody of 4 children their reason was domestic violence which was proved in magistrate court to be a?

cps took custody of 4 children their reason was domestic violence the domestic violence was proved innocent in mag. court, every reason cps said was a lie. how does cps keep custody?

Opinions on these names?

Girl - Pick one from each catagory & put them together etc: "Alena Nicole" ;First names;Alena or Elena (Uh-Lay-Nuh or Eh-lay-nuh.) Middle names; Michelle, Genevieve, Nicole, or Elizabeth Boy: Pick two Just rearrange the names: Etc: Damon Alexander. ; Damon, Alexander, Ian I personally like the name Damon Alexander :) anyways. what sounds best in your opinion. :D. Any other suggestions is welcomed, but still pick from my short list please, & thank you. & btw, if anyone asks yes, inspiration for the names comes from The Vampire Diaries. :3

Magistrates court, need law advice?

can i stop the reporters coming to view my case? can I choose for my job not to be disclosed? also can i limit what the reporters can say ?

Suggestions on how to make this paragraph better?

The people who settled in the land of Shinar wanted to make a name for themselves. They decided that they would build a tower that would reach to the sky. God was very displeased at this endeavour. He made it so that men could not understand one another; they all spoke different languages. This created a universal, profound language barrier, making the construction of the tower come to a standstill. The tower was named Babel, meaning confusion. Eventually men found other men that they could understand and with whom they communicated. This created the many different languages. This story is very important because of the contribution it makes to the explanation for the many different languages and races we currently have in the world.

Will the proposed new changes in the law regarding on the spot fines allow justice for everyone.?

im not impressed with this plan. the cop says you did this. you say you didnt but you just have to pay the fine? what about if you dont have any money? what about if you disagree with the charge>? is this another moneymaker to replace speed cameras? we got the choice of going on a course apparently. how much will that cost?

I think I'm being haunted, help?

Best thing, that I can see is wait it out. In my opinion the worse thing you can do is give whatever is there the satisfaction of knowing it's getting to you. Look up poltergeists. What you described sounds alot like that.

Help solving for P2 in Clausius-Clapeyron equation?

I have this equation ln(P2/380.3mmHg)=-(22,400J/K/8.314J/K*mo… and I know that P2=614.6mmHg (via WolframAlpha), I just don't know my algebra well enough to rearrange the equation myself to solve for P2. Please help.

Should there be more immigration in the UK?

There are still places in the UK where you can spend years without seeing a brown foreign face. Of course this is not acceptable to the Guardian reading multiculturalist fanatics out there so I propose that we resume an open border immigration policy as soon as "red Ed" Milliband takes power! We should flood the country with third-world immigrants, preferably muslims, and make the UK as diverse as America.

Do you believe I have grounds for an appeal?

You probably have grounds for an appeal but your chances of winning may only be 50:50. The place is a dump, your chances of coming out of this more successfully are not good enough to risk the hassle and effort. Find somewhere decent for yourself to have a comfortable life and let this guy try and find someone else to live in the shack.

How does a custody hearing go?

we never made it to court when i went through it. we were able to settle. what type of differences do you have that you can't settle this out of court? all i do know, is when you go to court, there is a winner and a loser. when you settle out of court, you compromise.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I've been a BAD boy n am worried about court?

If you only have a caution from before I don't think you need to worry about prison. You'll probably get a fine or community payback at worse. You might have to pay compensation for the criminal damage. Even if the worse was to happen prison isn't as bad as people make out and you would only have a short sentence to do. I am no tough guy but I got on alright inside

Slight concern about Neighbours garden, trees etc.?

not much you can do. with the guinea piggies ask if they could move them as your husband has this allergy either to the animals or the bedding etc they're on. as for the washing nothing you can do. perhaps one day you could jokingly say to them you had guests round and we were having a laugh at your undies or whatever. that may embarrassed them perhaps. really they do have every right to hang out their washing. the cherry, cut it back if its on your side. maybe you could ask them in time if you could renew the trellis for them as it looks very old and rotten. good luck.

I am stating my new life..sober.Change of direction..HELP.How to keep occupied..?

get new friends, don't hang around the same people, you will just go back. get a job, go back to school. good luck.

Is it true that courts have to abide by the judgements made by other courts?

I heard of a recent case in the UK where a 22 year old was arrested for possession of 1 joints worth of cannabis was dismissed in court with an absolute discharge because, as the Magistrate said of his "unusual" decision: "It was a tiny amount." Does this mean effectively that all instances of possession of 1 joints worth of cannabis must now also be given an absolute discharge if taken to court, because of the previous court ruling that possession of a tiny amount of cannabis is not punishable?

I have a pregnant rat and need to know if she is in labor.?

My rat is around 3-4 months old. I have been caring for small animals for years and just got this lil baby at a pet store and I know she is pregnant but I've only had males up till now so not sure if she is in labor. She has started to stretch out her legs, rearrange her housing, and constantly groom herself. There's been no blood though so I'm not sure if shes just preparing or having complications. I welcome any help at all. Also keep in mind I wouldn't be able to get to my small animal vet till Thursday.

Ready for the Canter? [20 Characters]?

When she thinks you're ready, she'll move you to more advanced work. It's best to perfect controlling your horse at the trot, with and without stirrups, before moving on to the canter. If you want to ask her when she thinks you'll be ready, don't be scared. You're paying her and she's there to give you advice and answer any questions you have.

Sex before marriage is a sin, but...?

All sexual intercourse outside of marriage is sinful. Regardless if you chose to marry the same person of the opposite sex afterwards. Having sexual intercourse after you marry that person is not a sin because it is within marriage.

Christians, is abortion acceptable if the woman is severely mentally ill?

They did not have clinical abortions like what we have now in Bible times. There's nothing against it in there.

China: The Nail in Western animal right activists' eyes?

I am not sure I understand what you ask. China has a population of 1.3 to 1.5 billion people. To feed this many people it takes a LOT of food! From what I read about most Animal Activist worry to much about animals and not enough about human beings. Many have too much time on their hands and do not think of the dangers and poor living conditions of PEOPLE! To compare a animal to a person is beyond my comprehension. They worry about how a chicken lives it life, but they care nothing about a child in Africa who will starve to death before they reach the age people vote at here in the US. I do care about our planet and when people kill for no reason (the shark fin soup is a very good example) but to care more for a pig than a human being is ..... you go figure.

Charged with ABH and GBH S18?

for the second part of your question, i would tell the police what you know that you believe that he did not injure his mother, she self inflicted it, and see if the neighbour would be prepared to back up your statement, yes he should be charged and punished for what he did.

Court paper question? (read below)?

I have been a court reporter for 28 years. Anything decided or ruled upon in a court of law in the United States is a matter of public record unless it was ordered sealed by the judge. Contact the particular courthouse, speak with someone in the Clerk's Office. It would help if you have the court caption, judge's name who heard the case, and the case/docket number. Good luck. You can also request to purchase a transcript from the court reporter, if there was a court reporter present who took down the verbatim proceedings.

Xbox 360, 3 red rings all of a sudden, power supply making a lot of noise?

Well sounds like you xbox **** the bed. I imagine that your xbox is a falcon or a the other chipsset prone to RROD. You could try to replace the x clamps but I wouldn't bother because you already have a slim. If you do want to replace them there lots of video tutorials on YouTube. Your best bet is to trash it.

Am i acceptable for an 18 year old boy?

You are perfectly fine quit worrying about the size of your penis. You will be more than enough for your partner.

Help with windows folder organization?

I'm trying to organize pictures in chronological order that I scanned in so view>sort by>date taken won't work. I have them lined up, but because of the names, they always rearrange. Could someone help me out?

What is a good name for a all teenage girl singing group?

There are four in this group and they are all 14-16. They asked me for ideas and I can't think of any. They would prefer a one word name, but two is acceptable, also :) A million 'thank-you's! <3

*****OPINION POLL***** - YES or NO (please explain if you desire) - God forgot to consider this?

a href=";_ylt=AozmmTr6oiICzFNrtg8VIIfsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110626164330AA6WzPw";…/a

How long in a relationship would you start doing stuff with a boyfriend?

It depends on how interested he is in you. I started dating this one boy 2 weeks after I met him. On the day we first kissed, we both somehow ended up shirtless. On our third day of dating we had started doing sexual stuff. The next day I cried about it, because of guilt. What I'm saying is that you should wait at least a month before any actual sexual encounters. It would be best to wait longer for sex until you know he's gonna stay with you, instead of just wanting a quick shag/****. As far as before dating, some acceptable things are movies, dinner, etc... I hope this advice helps you.

What should I wear for this occasion?

So, my fiance and I have decided to go to the magistrate and get married next friday, we were planning a bigger wedding and decided it wasn't worth it. It's going to be something very low key, a few family members at the ceremony. Later friday we're going to head out to a nice dinner with a few friends, the next day do dinner with family. What should I wear to something along this lines. I've looked for a simple short white dress, I can't find anything I like. I'm open to anything. I'm a curvier girl and have a 36d chest so nothing too low cut, and no long dresses as I'm short and I don't think they look right one me.


0_0...That's alot, but we can't do this unless you supply the original text. Without any context we would just be guessing.

How much *touching* is acceptable on a first date...?

On a first date? Keep it simple. Start off with a hug... Go in for the hug at a calm pace so they know what's coming... Test the field... If the person gets all fridged and tense, there's a sign.. They don't like to be touched... A tip for you to keep your hands to yourself. If there relaxed and hug you back *thumbs up* good sign... :) next ... Throughout the date find excuses to lightly touch them. First start off with the "accedental" arm rub, or the knee breeze. The point is to lightly rub a limb against there's "accedentally" if they don't pull away you can take it to the next level... For example intwining the arms, or lightly "brushing off a strand of hair" from their cheek.... You get the point light innocent "touching" :)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sex before marriage is a sin, but...?

Ok, so I know that the bible states that sex before marriage is a sin. I asked one of my friends why this is, and she said that if you have sex with someone who isn't your husband, even if it was before you were married, it's said that you committed adultery. However, what if you had sex with the man that you ended up marrying before you got married, would that still be considered sin? I mean, I realize that the chances of a guy sticking around after the sex is slim to none, but theoretically, would that be acceptable?

Computer turning on and off after rearranging pcu cables?

last night after hooking up my new mouse keyboard and monitor ( which work fine ) i decided to tidy up my cables as i have a big window in my case, after a hour of deciding on the best layout i screwed everything back together only to find that now my computer wont start properly! it turns on ( fans, hard drives, ( no beep) but it seems that as soon as the motherboard tries to power on ( i say this because the cpu fan just starts to spin) it shuts down. and then after 2 seconds it powers back on again with the same results. i have checked for stray metal arcing out on the case and found none. i have removed and re-installed all cables numerous times, i have tried removing RAM disconnecting hdd's booting with only motherboard and graphics card. read all the other forums and tried everything. please please please any advice would be fantastic as im about to hang myself with my ac cord

Does anyone else feel that the political systems today is kind of wrong?

I just think that its way off, and that it needs rebuilding into something more acceptable for everyone equally. I hate the heirarchy, and how people get to rule, and there's no say from the citizens, we can't choose who would rule, we can't kick someone out. I mean we are all in this together, aren't we...?

Why is it socially acceptable for people to tell me to tan? (Picture)?

For some reason it's socially acceptable, but it's still bloody rude. It's always the other whities, too. Never people of Asian or African descent.

Would a horse with one eye make a novice jumper?

I don't see why not.My friend has a horse with one eye and she is a really great horse.She is just like any other horse.So i'm sure you will be fine with this horse!Good luck! Xxx

Can neighbours interfere with public rights of way ?

Take it up with your local council. What YOU consider a public right of way may not in fact BE public.

How badly do you think this will go?

that poor child..I would take the child where she want to be Personally I would not put the child under any more stress than she needs to be. And as for her mother she hldasen't said anything so I would take the child where she wants to be. And then do what you said abouut the 6 o'clock thing

Assault on a minor and 50 b?

My ex and I are currently battling for children have resided with me solely since we separated almost a year ago. I just filed for child support and he is trying to get out of paying because he has his girlfriend and her 3 kids living there. My ex went to the magistrate and filed assault on a minor charges and a 50b against my current boyfriend. My boyfriend slapped my son in the face after my son was name calling and hitting him and his brother repeatedly. My boyfriend never harmed my son but the child's father greatly exaggerated the claims. My boyfriend has been in the military and has no prior criminal record.he is greatly concerned that this will ruin his chances of re enlisting and becoming a police officer. Does anyone know how seriously they take the charge and how difficult it is to get the 50bdropped?

Is it acceptable to wear an affliction shirt to a pacsun job orientation?

I do not own any pacsun clothing, what are some alternate brands I could wear if affliction would not be okay?

Fathers rights over child?

do i have rights over my son I have been to court for contact. however,the judge agreed this access because he felt she was doing this out of despite & not because I was a bad parent.I also have a 6 year old and she knows i am a good parent and have 60/40 pr over my eldest I am on the birth cert was rewarded weekend access through ex partner was not recommended at the magistrates by any solicitor.. i started having him weekends witch was agreed then straight after on the next weekend the mother broke the agreement witch was made by the court and i started having him more than what was aggreed through the court. however she has granted me access within one week without consulting my solicitor witch i took the rite path and told him exactly that! I pay CSA for my son not much but was agreed by the judge himself. now I have my son every weekend and she now is starting to leave him with me and not attending to pick him up without letting me know within 2 DAYS after number times I phoned her phone I have no emergency contact ... I want to know what rights I have after this stage and so on...

Which is the best collector ever in the History of Barmer District of Rajasthan State of India ? Give reasons?

I think no doubt it is young dashing energetic IAS Shri GauraV GoyaL of 2006 Batch Rajasthan Cadre (जिला कलेक्टर गौरव गोयल) present COLLECTOR & DISTRICT MAGISTRATE, BARMER . He is : A great human being. Outstanding Administrator. Very cool personality. Prompt Action. Helps the common man. Good command over officials.

How to find court record? (trial/conviction)?

No, there isn't a record online. You can pay for a transcript of the case if the Court permits, that is unlikely to happen for any case involving a minor.

Appealing against a restraining order.?

A lot would depend on her consent. Best bet, is to finish community service .etc then ask for motion to dismiss the RO. explain what you are doing and that service will per force keep you away from her anyway. Dismissal will require her consent.

Can surgically removal of the private part of the rapist help stop crime against women?

Recently in one of the rape cases, a Honorable magistrate of a Delhi court, opined and recommended to the govt. of India, to punish the rapists by surgically removing their private part. There is a saying "na rahega baans na bajegi basunsri". In some countries this punishment is awarded to the rapists. In other countries their crime is taken very seriously and they are punished with life imprisonment as they are considered criminal of the siciety. I also feel that to stop crime against women the punishment under the law should be very strict. Now we see that in many cases the rapists manage to escape the law and got free in the absence of proper witnesses. Such people repeat the crime.

Private criminal prosecution in Northern Ireland (NI)?

It is a civil action you are looking for, you contact a lawyer and they will sue the person for the crime. It costs a fair amount of money and takes time. Talk to a lawyer, OJ Simpson in the USA had a civil action taken out on him for the murder.

Hey atheists, do you actually believe this?

Atheism - the belief that there was nothing & nothing happened to nothing & then nothing magically exploded for no reason creating everything & then a bunch of everything magically rearranged itself for no reason which then turned into dinosaurs.

I think my neighbor's dog has serious aggression issues and I am not sure what to do.?

Wheneve i am outside the dog, which is a large mastiff, charges at the fence at full speed growling and making really scary noises (similar to a wild animal). It then jumps onto the fence (which is Not very sturdy) and continues to lunge and growl at me as it attempts to break through or dig under the fence. I have never seen a dog act this way before and i am afraid it is going to get through the fence and hurt me. Is this normal dog behavior? It broke through the fence once before and nearly got my dog and i before we ran into the house. I have told the neighbor this isnt acceptable, but nothing has changed. What should I do?

What is going to happen to me? Am i going to go to jail,loose my phone or go to a mental hospital?

I am in love with a man who i felt cared and liked me. I began texting him two years ago. He asked me to stop 4 or 5 times but i continued. I have a mental illness which causes obsessions and have neglect issues. I recently sent him a text and he took it to the magistrate. I couldn't seem to let go and say goodbye and text him 10 more times after hearing of the court date.I vowed to stop and have not been in contact anymore nor will and took blocked the texting feature off my phone.

What do you think of this story idea?

Well, the first part sounds DYSTOPIAN (end of the world/bleak future) not Utopian. Because you said some virus had killed everybody off save for "some" people.

Why did so many Roman emperors practice pedestry?

I think as a general rule the Romans (like the greeks) were more tolerant of sexual deviancy than other societies. It was certainly tolerated. Most men had a young boy lover before they were married. I think without sexual restrictions the society produced more open minded men who could find young boys to... interact with.

Are magistrates able to sign warrants during night?

Are magistrates available to sign warrants over night? Will they sign warrants for petty crimes like house parties in the middle of the night?

Accusation of racially motivated assault?

Ok so there's this bloke I know who has been paranoid about me and my brother having sexual relations with his girlfriend and 5 months ago I knocked on his girlfriends door and shouted at him because he made my brothers g.friend cry he came running out of his house and punched me in the face he threw another punch and I blocked it and bear hugged him after a while of holding him I threw him down to the ground and ran inside 5 months later he and his g.friend reported me to the police saying I called him a Chinese whatever and I beat him up and also damaged his van by punching it the police charged me for it and now I have to go to magistrates court for something I didn't do I never damged his van and he was the one who punched me I'm so scared what should I do what's gonna happen to me? My brother sister her boyfriend and my dad all witnessed him attack me.. :-(

Why are timeouts more acceptable than spanking?

Because what we do is learned behavior. If we teach our children through spankings that thing's are right we are reinforcing that it is the physical force that makes the action right. As long as I am the strongest I make the rules. This is not a very healthy message for us to grow up with. With time outs the child has time to think about what they have done and most importantly why it was wrong.

Guys Help, im confused about what he said?

Ok so im confused by his feelings. For 2 years we have been arguing and he blocks me off and on facebook and then on Wednesday he unblocks me and wants to put all the arguments to an end, i have known this boy all my life and 2 years ago was the first time in 8 years that we had met up and in an email he sent he said he didn't want to lose me again, so after that was when the arguments started. Back to Wednesday he wanted to meet he didn't turn up on Thursday but he rearranged it to Friday and turned up however after a brief chat we sat down and he said that he wanted to be with me. I have waited for this boy for 2 years and so i was so shocked by this and I said why, how then he says I guess i always wanted you. We hugged and kiss and had a laugh. But with his background with me (messing me around 2 years ago when we were 15-16) could he mean it this time now that we have matured? He says we will talk soon. And on friday he says he checks me out all the time as he works in a shop i go in often.

Printing Layout for Graphic Novel Help.?

I have a graphic novel that's due for print tomorrow. I've been using Adobe InDesign, but recently found out that it severely ruins the quality of my drawings. Is there any other acceptable format that a printer will accept? Such as PDF, word document etc.

Do you find it acceptable to defend your self against a racist person by saying racist things?

most people on here are racist. possible including me. although i dont see myself as racist. as i believe every race should be treated differently and preserved. i hate black people. theres a differenc.

B&A: What do you think of/How do you feel about...?

It doesn't really bother me that much. I think it's alright because it helps them gauge an average reaction to their ideas, which helps them to tell how the book will be received by the market of readers. I ask for advice from trusted friends all the time, and help them with their writing as well. My only concern with posting questions online like this would be that people might steal my ideas.

Congressional Award program question............?

I want to know if volunteering at the Chamber of Commerce is acceptable for volunteer hours for the Congressional Award program.....

Can I win this arguement for a speeding ticket in court?

All of your excuses and explanations are not germane to the legal issue: Were you speeding? That's what you need to answer in court. Maybe you will get lucky and the officer will not show up to your hearing.