Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What sentence can i expect and will they require a pre sentence report?

I have been charged with theft from my employer and will have to go to magistrate court in 2 weeks time. i do not try to make excuses for what i have done. I was, I am in financial difficulties, thought that i can repay the money. I have already written to my former employer apologising and offering to repay the money. I have no previous convictions. the total is just over �6000 . will I be sentenced on the day straightaway? What will happen at the hearing? I will of course plead guilty and again apologise. Will the judge request a pre sentence report? I have 3 children, will this be taken into account when sentencing? If a prison sentence is decided, what are my chances that it could be suspended? Please can somebody give me an hones answer.I know what i have done was wrong, so please don't reply with what bad person i am and deserve everything i have coming. Many thanks

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