Saturday, July 23, 2011

How do i pervert course of justice???? - get this thrown out of court?

ok, please dont bother answering if you wanna give me a lecture. i just want an answer. i feel really guilty for having my bf arrested for domestic violence...i know it's wrong and all but it doesnt stop the guilt. and it's actually made me very unwell, like my life revolves round this horrible horrible phone call i made 2 months ago. anyway he goes to magistrates court tomorrow, but thing is it's quite serious so it will go to long is this gonnna takeeeeeeeee?????? i want my life back again. i am desperately hoping he will plead guilty ASAP because there's so much evidence against him he will be found guilty and if he puts in an early plea his sentence will be much nicer, i know. Anway, what i was thinking wassss is there anything i can do which would make them have to drop the case completely?? like what if i sent him a message detailing alllll the evidence against him and tried to persuade him to plea guilty??...i know that me trying to get this dropped will get me in trouble but i really dont care anymore. i really just wish i had never done this...well i wish he had never done this but yeah...i get theres a law and it has to be followed etc. etc. buttttt there must be some way i can get this thrown out of court..because it happens. and i cant say i lied in my statement because there's witnesses and evidence. but actually could i say i lied anyway? i mean i could just make up ridiculous excuses for bruises and stuff and what would they be able to do? if this goes to much longer is it gonna take? :( i really want to feel normal again...

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