Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I'm struggling with a philosophical theory.?

I'm struggling with a philosophical theory. I am neither judge nor jury. I do not wish to pass judgement on others. How then, can I view the wrong-doing in others' actions without passing judgement? Do I have to accept everything as permitted and abolish every concept of right and wrong I've ever been taught? If I do that, then I lack the potential to help victims of wrong-doing. If I judge an action as wrong, though, then I take myself and my viewpoint as superior to that person, and therefore use my self-proclaimed superiority to justify intervening in said wrong-doing. I think the word "equality" needs to be strictly defined in order for this topic to be resolved... What does everyone else think? Is passing judgement acceptable in the world we live in? We do it every day, but does it help or hurt our interactions with the rest of the human race? Jesus and Buddha both taught that we should love every person in an equal, unbiased manner, including ourselves. If I do exactly that, then I will in no way be able to strike down another person, regardless of who or what they may endanger. It means that I would have to love serial killers and rapists as much as I love my own family simply because they are human. Now that I've reached this point in my train of thought, I think the most summed up version of my question is "Is it acceptable to interfere in another's God-given free-will?" Tell me your thoughts

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