Thursday, July 14, 2011

If someone threatens you and you threaten them back, can you get in trouble?

Okay, so last month on the 24th at about 11:40PM my girlfriends brother called up here starting trouble. He's quite accustomed to jail and seems to spend just about as much time in there as he does outside. Well he called up here and started his trouble and eventually said "If you don't give me my sh** I'll come up there and kill you, you're mom, and you're little brother" to which I returned "If you come to my house I'll blow you're head off". This guy is crazy and I'm still kinda scared that he's gonna come up here one day and do something stupid. But he went down to the magistrates office and told them what I said bak to him and now I've been served. Am I gonna get in trouble for saying that? I mean the guy said he was on the way to my house, and I knew that it would take the police forever to get here (in which it took them over 30min to get here, and the guy threatening me was about a 5min drive away). And to make me feel even safer, he got arrested LAST NIGHT and was found with a gun... So yeah. Any help would be awesome. I don't feel too good right now and my stomach has loads of butterflys. I just need to know what to expect. I don't have anything on my record at all and it'd be a shame to get a record for being afraid for myself and my family.

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